Wild animal self-portrait with this cool website!
Animal projects keep doing it well in artclass! No wonder! Because animals are still great to look at! This online tool can turn your pupils into a wild animal!
The imaginary animal
The project ‘make a imaginary animal by combining parts of different animals’ is an old school project that still works very well in class. As I already said, children tend to love animal projects. Combining different parts isn’t always easy.
A couple of years back I found this site where kids can make an online self-portrait and turn that portrait into a wild version of themselves.
It’s even fun for adults! 😉
BuiLD YouR WiLD SeLF: The wild animal you
So – you build an imaginary wild animal of yourself with this tool.
Best is that you start making a self-portrait.
Let the children make a puppet that really looks like them to begin with. You can let them change the gender, the hairdo and color, the shape and the color of the eyes and mouth. You even have some choice in clothes.
When the puppet is readey the kids can begin changing some parts of their body into wild animal parts! It’s really fun to do!
Short project
This is an ideal short project for fast workers or you can let them do this at home.
For the kids here in Belgium it’s a bit sad that the site is in English. The younger ones don’t get English, they start in 8th grade!
Lucky for us they are growing up in the digital time, so even the 7th graders tend to make it work.
Wild animal completely ready
When they are done, they can e-mail the finished portrait to their parents or surprise somebody else. …
Try it yourself??
You do need a flash player (yes, even this is oldschool! 😉 )
Pin for later?
Take care and see you soon!