Category: Kids

Purse – wishbag – crochet pattern – crea-cross Tiny

Purse – wishbag – crochet pattern – crea-cross Tiny

Purse – wishbag crochet pattern

A while ago I had a friend who needed to be sheered up a bit.  She needed some luck.  On Ravelry I vout the pattern of Shana at the Chris and Shana’s craft shack.
Shana made a little bag that could be used to wrap presents in.  So cute!
I made the bag even smaller and made it into a wishbag.  A little purse you can wear around your neck with your dearest wish inside, to wear close to your heart!

When the wishbag was finished, I gave it to my friend and posted a picture in my Ravelry gallery. Shana liked it and asked if she could use my picture as a featured picture.  I felt honored, so I said she could.
I asked her if I could translate the pattern into Dutch and post in on my own blog.  She like the idea, but I never go round to it.
Today the tiny wishbag fits the prompt of the linkparty, so I made the time to translate it – finally! 😉


The petite purse pattern – wishbag

Here at the English post, I’m nog going to translate the pattern! 😉
If you love this little purse as much as I do or if you’d love to make a wishbag too, you can find the pattern here.

Happy Crochet time!

Pin the pattern for later?

You can pin this picturen for later on if you wish.  🙂


Broomstick stitch: infinity and beyond scarf – crea-cross

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Print a travel journal for your kids to fill in.

Print a travel journal for your kids to fill in.

When you travel, pictures will help you to capture the beautiful moments. Although, pictures just don’t capture ‘being there’ if you ask me. To be able to remember more, to keep the little things in mind it is a good idea to write things you eat and places you visit down into a travel journal.

I created a travel journal printable for kids. It is very easy to use.
It has a ‘pasport’ and they can circle the weather of the day. They can tell what they ate. How did they travel and how long was their journey?

Print a travel journal

These printables can be printed and glued in little A5 booklets.  I chose spirals, just because that works better when the kids have to color and write in them.
The Passport has to be printed out just once.
The other pages can be printed as many times as needed.  When your journey takes ten days, just print them out ten times.

Hope you have lots of fun traveling and using this free printable

Take care and see you soon


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