Love is in the ART x8 inspirational artist!
Today it’s Valentine’s day! You can’t ‘not’ notice it! Not even when you are single or alone (like me, my husband’s in Canada for ten days) or in love.
Maybe you don’t celebrate it at all and maybe you think it’s way too commercial! But this time of year, hearts are all around! So let’s take a closer look to those artists who did some Love is in the art projects!
Love is in the ART
I’m going to share some great artists today, who can inspire you to do ‘Love’ and ‘Heart’ projects in school or at home with your kids.
Hope you like them!
There’s so much love in the art! 😉
Jim Dine
The American Pop-art artist Jim Dine has a series of heart paintings. He uses contrast in his work and is ideal to talk about warm and cool colors.

Romero Britto
The Brazilian artist Romero Britto also has Pop-art influences. His hearts have a thick black border and often the hearts are divided in several compartments. Inside the new shapes he draws patterns.
Kids love him because of his use of bright colors.
Peter Max
My personal favorite of Max’s paintins is this one where the two hearts become one… True love! 😉
Picture at: http://petermax.com/ For sale as printout at the same webshop.Robert Indiana
Maybe the name doesn’t ring a bell, but the statue certainly will! THE love sculpture!

You can also let the kids use other words like hope, luck, like, flow, moon, soft, …
And it doesn’t have to be a sculpture, it can be a drawing too!
Keith Haring
Let’s not forget our friend Keith Haring. Know for his simplified figures and also a real pop-art artist.
He has several works of art where a heart is central!
The human figures are very easy to draw by children and his color use really appeals to them!
Burton Morris
And yes, yet another Pop-art artist who used hearts! Burton Morris.
At the blog Kid’s artist you can find a step by step tutorial by Jacquelien how to make a collage just like Morris!

Chris Uphues
Hearts with faces! That’s Chris Uphues! This is a great project to talk about feelings and colors that go with certain feelings.
Big eyed hearts… the kids will love them for sure!

Peter Anton
Like clay more? Than Peter Anton’s your man to talk about! His giant chocolate boxes look so yummy! Looking at his work wil make you hungry!
Picture at http://www.peteranton.com/
Remember these love is in the art later? Pin it!
Nice of you to drop by! Have I forgotten any artists according to you? I’d love to hear in the comments! More love is in the art is welcome!
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One Reply to “Love is in the ART x8 inspirational artist!”
I recommend American artist, Laurel Burch, she fits right in with this group of artists you are featuring. Please check out her charming style and colorful hearts.